The Importance of a Professional First Impression
In today’s business world, effective communication is paramount, and the telephone remains one of the most essential tools for engaging with clients, prospects, and partners. Automated answering services, voicemail systems, or hold music can significantly impact your company’s image and customer satisfaction. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that the telephone is a productive sales tool rather than a hindrance.
The first interaction a caller has with your company is often through a phone call. This brief exchange, often lasting less than a minute, plays a pivotal role in shaping the caller’s perception of your business. That’s one reason why it’s crucial to use that first impression as an opportunity to create a positive and lasting impact. Below are some strategies to help you refine the way your business greets its callers.
Evaluate Your Office’s Phone Etiquette
To understand the true experience of a customer or client calling your office, consider making a test call. Just don’t reveal your identity. Have someone whose voice your staff does not recognize place the call while you listen in. This method allows you to assess the quality of your telephone service in an objective manner. During the call, listen for the following:
- A friendly and professional greeting, such as, “Good morning, [Company Name],” followed by the name of the employee and an offer to assist.
- A calm and helpful response to inquiries, or the offer to direct the caller to someone who can provide more information.
- Reasonable hold times, with an apology if the wait exceeds typical expectations.
This process is well worth your time, as it will give insights into how your staff handles calls and whether improvements are needed.
Assess Your Answering Service
If your business relies on an answering service, it’s vital to evaluate its quality. Conduct a similar test to the one mentioned above, but focus on how well the answering service represents your company. When evaluating this service, ensure that:
- The operator answers with your company’s name, rather than using a generic, impersonal greeting like, “May I help you?”
- The operator is well-versed in your business’s key details, such as hours of operation, employee names, and company policies.
- The message conveyed by the operator aligns with the information your business wants to relay to customers.
If the answering service fails to meet these standards, take the time to educate the provider on your expectations. There are many answering services out there. If yours is not meeting your standards, it might be time to make a switch.
Review Your Voicemail System
Your voicemail greeting is another key touchpoint for customers and clients. How it sounds can significantly impact their perception of your professionalism. Periodically listen to your voicemail message and ask yourself the following questions:
- Is the voice recording representative of your brand? Choose a voice that is clear, engaging, and professional, so that it strikes the right tone for your business.
- If your voicemail or call system includes background music or on-hold music, ensure that it is calming and unobtrusive. Many businesses make the mistake of choosing music that is grating and leads to someone hanging up before speaking to a member of your team.
A well-crafted voicemail message ensures that callers feel valued, even if they are unable to speak directly with someone.
Humanize Your Technology
There is no doubt that automated voicemail systems, speakerphones, and conference call capabilities are indispensable tools. However, it’s essential to remember that while these systems offer convenience, they can lack the personal touch that a human voice provides. The truth of the matter is that most people still prefer speaking with a real person.
Even if the employee who answers the phone is not the highest-paid member of your team, the human voice remains an essential element of your company’s identity. An empathetic, attentive response can leave a positive impression, contributing to a stronger relationship with your clients.
Today’s businesses must embrace the benefits of technology while remembering the importance of personal interaction. By regularly reviewing and improving your phone etiquette, you ensure that your business presents itself in the best possible way from the moment the phone rings.
Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
The post The Importance of a Professional First Impression appeared first on Deal Studio.

The Risks of Under-Reporting Income for Business Owners
One of the most critical questions for prospective buyers, investors, and lenders is understanding a business’s true income. However, it should come as no surprise that the party most invested in uncovering this information is the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Why is determining a business’s real income so difficult? While financial records should provide a clear picture, business owners often engage in practices ranging from minor adjustments to outright fraud in order to minimize reported income and reduce their tax liabilities. In fact, the IRS estimates that two out of three business owners under-report their income.
Even if a business owner somehow evades detection, this dishonest reporting can create significant challenges when it’s time to sell. Business owners, even those not yet considering a sale, should start preparing by presenting their company as a profitable, legitimate enterprise. A buyer will scrutinize not just the numbers, but also the history behind them. That means that any discrepancies between the books and the tax returns will be a red flag. A fresh narrative about the business’ potential is unlikely to convince a buyer, who will be more interested in tangible evidence of consistent and legitimate profitability.
Here are some steps for business owners to position their business favorably when the time to sell comes:
Think Long-Term
Instead of focusing on short-term tax savings, business owners should prioritize showing long-term profitability. Buyers are looking for businesses that demonstrate consistent, strong performance over a period of time. By ensuring your records reflect maximum profits for each quarter, you can create a more attractive picture for potential buyers. The more stable and profitable your business appears, the easier it will be to justify a higher asking price.
Review and Adjust Past Records
It’s important to take a step back and carefully review past financial statements. If your business has experienced growth, but that growth isn’t reflected in your tax returns or financial reports, now is the time to adjust those numbers. Go through the past few months of records and adjust them to present a clearer, more accurate picture of the business’ financial health. This work will not only improve your credibility with buyers but also set a more favorable stage for future negotiations.
Reconstruct Historical Financials
If necessary, look back even further to reconstruct your financial records in a way that reflects the true profitability of your business over a more extended period. This process involves carefully revisiting past transactions, correcting any under-reported income, and ensuring that your financial history aligns with the real growth of the business. Although it may require additional effort, having accurate financial records that reflect the business’ legitimate success will go a long way toward building trust with potential buyers and lenders.
List Tax-Deductible Expenses and Benefits
As part of your effort to present a more truthful financial picture, it’s crucial to itemize all tax-deductible expenses, such as salaries, fringe benefits, and other perks that are allowed by the IRS. These items provide ongoing value to the business and should be clearly listed in your records. Doing so can help increase the perceived value of your business. Buyers will appreciate knowing the business is efficiently managing its finances while taking full advantage of available deductions.
By addressing these areas, you can not only improve the appeal of your business to potential buyers but also enhance your chances with lenders and investors. Most importantly, truthful financial reporting will keep the IRS focused on someone else’s business.
Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
The post The Risks of Under-Reporting Income for Business Owners appeared first on Deal Studio.

Understanding the Odds of Selling a Business
When it comes to buying or selling a business, we often get asked two common questions: “How many businesses are for sale?” and “What percentage of businesses on the market actually sell?”
To get a sense of the market, it’s important to break things down by business category. The industries that make up the majority of small to mid-sized business sales include: manufacturing, wholesale trade, retail trade, business and personal services, and household/miscellaneous services. Together, these sectors represent a significant portion of the approximately 30 million businesses in the U.S.
It’s commonly estimated that around 15-20% of small businesses are for sale at any given time, though this figure can vary depending on market conditions. Interestingly, smaller businesses—especially those with fewer than four employees—make up a larger portion of the businesses on the market. However, it’s generally observed that the sale success rates for smaller businesses tend to be lower than for larger ones. Smaller businesses, especially those with fewer than five employees, are often seen as having more challenges, such as incomplete financial records or unrealistic pricing, which can affect their chances of a successful sale.
So why do smaller businesses struggle to sell at the same rate as larger ones? Several factors come into play. Smaller businesses often face challenges like inaccurate financial records or unrealistic pricing. Some owners may not be fully committed to selling or may not be prepared for the complexities of the sales process. In some cases, owners might simply close their doors rather than attempt to sell.
Another key reason small businesses often struggle to sell is that their owners may not be properly prepared for the sale process. Many business owners, especially those with fewer than five employees, fail to plan ahead for the sale. This lack of preparation can include everything from neglecting to update financial statements and resolve legal issues to failing to optimize the business for sale by streamlining operations. If a potential buyer sees these areas as red flags, they might walk away, even if the asking price is reasonable.
To improve the odds of a successful sale, business owners should take a few proactive steps. First, they should invest time in cleaning up their financial records, ensuring that they are transparent and up-to-date. It’s also wise to engage a professional who can provide expert advice, market insight, and help with valuation. Additionally, business owners should focus on making their business more attractive to potential buyers by demonstrating a stable, profitable operation with room for growth. Taking these steps can significantly improve a business’s chances of selling successfully.
Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
The post Understanding the Odds of Selling a Business appeared first on Deal Studio.

Disruptive Factors in Selling Your Business
At some point, every business owner will need to think about selling his or her business. This means you’ll need to be ready to overcome a range of obstacles, as the process of selling a business can be both confusing and time-consuming. This is especially true for those who have not gone through the process before. Let’s turn our attention to some of the key reasons why deals can fall apart.
Psychological Factors
Buyers, like sellers, enter the process with a variety of preconceived notions about how the process should work, as well as what they consider to be “a great deal.” The psychological factors involved in selling a business shouldn’t be overlooked.
Sellers need to understand the specific wants and desires of the buyer as well as their own psychology.
Even serious buyers may have highly unrealistic expectations regarding various aspects of a business, ranging from its price to its opportunities for future growth. In some cases, they may stall due to the fact they are not quite ready to buy a business and see no urgency in the matter.
Buyers can also be influenced by outside parties, whether advisors or friends and family. In short, sellers may discover that, for all practical purposes, buyers may actually be several people who are forming a collective opinion on issues regarding the business.
Seller Psychology
A seller’s own psychology can play a huge role in whether or not a business is successfully sold. Many sellers enter into the process without a full understanding of what is involved. This factor, of course, underscores the tremendous importance of working with professionals months, if not years, before you actually place your business on the market. These professionals should include an M&A Advisor or Business Broker.
Another major obstacle is that many sellers have unrealistic expectations about both price and the time frame in which their business can be sold. Sellers should enter the selling process with their eyes open and realistic expectations in place. Be sure to establish a fair price. It’s also important to understand that it may take a year or longer before a buyer is found.
Acts of Fate
Sellers should remember that there are many “acts of fate” that can disrupt a deal. A deal may seem like everything is moving along without problems, only to discover at the last minute that the buyer isn’t able to secure the needed funds as expected.
It is important for all parties involved to realize that until a deal is finalized, problems can still arise. In fact, they can arise from unexpected directions. But it is difficult to anticipate and spot every potential disruption. The complexity of selling a business is one of the main reasons why so many business owners opt to work with a brokerage professional.
Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
The post Disruptive Factors in Selling Your Business appeared first on Deal Studio.

The Entrepreneur: Understanding Strengths and Weaknesses
Entrepreneurs are typically dynamic and driven individuals who play a critical role in driving innovation. However, to succeed, they must leverage their strengths while being mindful of their weaknesses. By understanding both, entrepreneurs can maximize their potential and build more sustainable businesses.
Strengths of Entrepreneurs
Flexibility and Positive Attitudes
Entrepreneurs are highly resilient and maintain a positive outlook, even in challenging situations. These traits help them navigate market shifts, customer needs, and unforeseen obstacles with confidence.
Creativity and Willingness to Take Risks
Creativity is a hallmark of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs excel at generating new ideas and solutions. At the same time, they are comfortable taking calculated risks that can disrupt industries.
Goal-Focused and Committed to Success
The most successful entrepreneurs are driven by clear goals. Their focus on success fuels both day-to-day operations and long-term strategies. Through this means, they stay on course even when faced with setbacks.
Strong Organizational Skills
Despite their busy schedules, many entrepreneurs possess excellent organizational abilities. They prioritize effectively and manage deadlines. All of this is necessary to ensure the business runs smoothly.
High Energy Levels
Entrepreneurs often demonstrate a great deal of energy. Their lifestyles often require long hours and maintaining enthusiasm. This level of energy not only drives their own work but can also inspire teams and stakeholders.
Weaknesses of Entrepreneurs
Impatience with Results
Entrepreneurs are ambitious about achieving their goals, but they often want quick results. This impatience can lead to frustration. Sometimes it can also lead to rash decisions that may undermine long-term success.
Juggling multiple responsibilities can lead to distractions and a lack of focus. Entrepreneurs may struggle to prioritize effectively, which can cause delays and impact the quality of work.
Distrust of New Technology
While entrepreneurs are generally innovative, some can be hesitant to embrace new technologies. This reluctance can limit their ability to leverage advancements that could benefit them in the long-run, improving efficiency and competitiveness.
Tendency to Stray from Plans
Entrepreneurs’ passion and creativity sometimes lead them to drift from their original business plans. While flexibility is important, straying too far from the vision can waste resources and cause a degree of chaos.
Difficulty Delegating
Many entrepreneurs are reluctant to delegate tasks, especially in the early stages of their businesses. This can lead to burnout and limit the growth of the business. Learning to trust and empower others is key to scaling effectively.
By embracing their core abilities, which often include such traits as creativity, focus, and energy, while recognizing addressing areas that might need improvement like impatience, distraction, and reluctance to delegate, entrepreneurs can take the first step towards improving operations.
Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
The post The Entrepreneur: Understanding Strengths and Weaknesses appeared first on Deal Studio.